Privacy Policy

13 Protein Import AB | Self omninutrition (13PIAB | SELF)

Data privacy is important for 13PIAB | SELF, it is important that your personal information is handled responsibly with regard to your privacy and you may find out what information we hold about you and how we use it. This policy also describes your rights and how to exercise your rights.

Who is the data controller of your personal data?

The Swedish company, with the below address, with a registered office in Stockholm is responsible in accordance with the applicable data protection provisions, of the personal data you have submitted or provided to us: 13 Protein Import AB Speditionsvägen 45 SE-142 50 SKOGÅS/STOCKHOLM SWEDEN Business Directory: Swedish Companies Registration Office Company registration number: 556641-1830 Vat Number: SE556641183001

Contact us

If you have questions or concerns regarding the handling of your personal data and information, you are welcome to email us at the following contact details: E-mail: Phone: + 46 (0) 8 645 79 59

What information do we collect?

13PIAB | SELF collect information in the following areas and functions. When you use our services or shop with us, you can directly or indirectly come to give us information about yourself in a number of ways, such as when you make a purchase through our website or contact us where you give away personal information of any kind.

Information you provide to us and that we collect about you

  • Contact information (name, email address, telephone number, billing and delivery address).
  • Payment information (credit card information, billing information, etc.).
  • Address information (address information will be filled in by you, the client, or if requested by you, from partners such as: Klarna, Paypal)
  • Information on products/services (details regarding the products/services you have purchased)
  • Financial information (approved credits via our partners. (Examples of sources: Klarna, PayPal).
  • Information about how you use our site, how you reached us, and how you use our services.

What do we do with your information?

When you purchase products or services from 13PIAB | SELF, your personal information is stored and used to improve our service and our services. When and if you confirm a order, your personal data will be treated to:
  • Complete your purchase of products or services and, if necessary, to verify your identity.
  • Be able to provide you with customer support and information about products or services
  • Administer, develop, improve and test our services as well as the system which they are provided.
  • Promote products or services.
If you give your consent, your personal data will be treated to:
  • Send newsletters with current or personal offers
  • Through the cookies save your Web settings to create a personalized user experience, and be able to direct marketing offers to you.
  • Evaluate and improve our products and services, and the systems which they provided in such as. through troubleshooting, data analysis, and similar
  • Manage customer service requests (inquiries, complaints, and similar
  • Prevent abuse of the service (prevent, prevent and investigate offences)
13PIAB | SELF will also collect and process personal data in order to comply with applicable legislation e.g. accounting law, tax law.

Communicate with you

13PIAB | SELF may also use your information to communicate with you via analog and digital marketing channels. If you do not wish to receive targeted communications from us, you may unsubscribe by logging into my account and manage your account. Please note that the amendment does not apply immediately and there may be delays in the settings.

What, we may share your information with

In order to provide our services, and to deliver your products to you, we may transfer to, or share your information with selected third parties. Suppliers, subcontractors: In order to fulfil our obligations to you, and for other purposes described in this policy, 13PIAB | SELF may share your personal data and information to vendors or contractors (including. Logistics company) and are strictly regulated by a contract between the companies. Credit agencies: To manage your payments, your details shared with financial actors and as you may already have an agreement with (Klarna, PayPal). If you choose to use credit services through our partners, your personal data will be shared with financial companies. Insurance companies: About you in connection with your purchase choose to insure any of your products, your personal data, as well as product information is shared with the insurer. Authorities: PGA. law or with your consent, 13PIAB | SELF may share your information with government agencies such as the tax office, Police or other authorities.


13PIAB/SELF strives to protect your personal information and maintains appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent inappropriate or involuntary omissions, use, access, loss, alteration or damage of your personal data. 13PIAB | SELF only or our suppliers ‘ employees who need access to your personal information for a specific task will have access to your personal information.

What we will not do with your information

We will not pass on, sell or exchange your personal data or information for marketing purposes to third parties.

Where we store your information

We come to the very greatest part handling your personal data within the EU/EEA. If personal information is transferred or processed in a country outside the EU/EEA will 13PIAB | SELF take all reasonable legal, technical and organisational measures to ensure that your personal information is handled safely and with an adequate level of protection comparable to the protection offered within the EU/EEA.

How long do we keep your information

We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes specified in this policy. When we save your data for other purposes eg. in order to meet the requirements for posting, we keep your information only as long as is necessary and/or statutory for the respective purposes. We will conduct regular screens and remove personal information if it is no longer needed and if you are not an active customer (purchased products, managed account) for a period of one (1) year.

Your rights, the right to rectification and restriction

You have the right to access your data, log on to my pages where you can manage your data and information 24 hours a day. You can modify inaccurate or incomplete information about yourself. You can choose to have your profile deleted (“right to be forgotten”) If you choose to delete your information, these deleted. However, there may be legal obligations e.g. accounting law, which means that we can immediately erase parts of your data. We will only save the data according to the time rule which we are required by law to keep. You have the right to demand that treatment be limited if any of the following applies: If you dispute that personal data are accurate, you believe that the processing is unlawful, we no longer need the information but you need them to be able to establish, do exercise or defence of a legal claim. You have the right to object to the processing of the legal basis for your treatment is the balancing of interests.

Supervisory authority

Privacy Protection Authority (as of May 25, 2018, prior to this, the Swedish Data Inspection Board) is the supervisory authority in Sweden monitors to the processing personal data comply with the data protection regulation. If you believe that 13PIAB | SELF processes your personal data in contravention of the dataskydds regulation, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Integritetsskydds authority. Contact information: Phone: 08-657 6100 Email:   13PIAB | SELF reserves the right to modify and update this policy.